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English for Sports Science

Updated: May 20, 2020

Historical Review Physical activities were always a part of human leisure activity. Those that held first place among primitive people were activities of warlike nature and of hunting. In time of peace, dance and recreational pastimes took place. The ancient Greeks admired the beauty of human body, and the Romans loved military and gladiatorial games and professional exhibitions. The Middle Ages were famous for their knight tournaments and religious festivals.

What does SPORT mean nowadays?

Definition of sport used in the dictionary says: SPORT is an outdoor or indoor game, competition, or activity needing physical effort and skill and usually carried on according to rules.

Some people say that sport is a physical activity governed by rules and played by individuals seeking to outperform opponents, while others can understand sport as organized spontaneous exercises or games, or as a competitive or non-competitive process through which an individual obtains physical skills, mental relaxation and bodily fitness.

Sport gives people enjoyment, happiness, friendship, satisfaction, health, fitness, popularity, recognition, the feeling of victory and success, but on the other hand, it may be boring, cause sadness, sorrow, disappointment, fatigue, exhaustion, injuries, illness, and in some cases even death.


Koudelková, A & Kosová, J. (2008). THE CONCEPT OF SPORT AND PHYSICAL EDUCATION. Sport Studies Fundamental Terminology in English. Recuperado de

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